Big on Education Page 11
They loved their huge hotel room with the cozy walk-out balcony facing onto the streets of Pisa below. The streets were exciting, filled with the hustle and bustle of life. Soon Antonio turns and lifts Theresa up in his arms, spinning her around, making Theresa laugh out loud in her tender young voice. He then places her back on her feet stating that he has wanted to make love to her from the first moment he saw her. That moment was the day she arrived at his estate to start work as his housekeeper. Theresa confessed she also had those exact same feelings when she met him that special day. Since then, they had both dreamed of having this time alone together.
Antonio told Theresa that he would take her out for a romantic lunch, to the La Taverna di Emma. It was renowned as having the most incredible food in Pisa, telling Theresa that the food and ambience is second to none. She is over the moon to be going out to such a public place as a couple. She hurries to get out her lemon colored dress, a pair of light green suede heels and a perfect tiny purse to match her heels. She had gone to great lengths to find an outfit for this occasion, she wanted to look her best for Antonio. Antonio had gone into the spare room to get himself ready. When he finished dressing, he came out to find Theresa was still getting ready in the bathroom. Antonio said he would wait for her down at the hotel’s cocktail lounge. She shouted back her agreement. Theresa rushed around fixing her hair and makeup, putting on her tiny pearl necklace and earrings. She had butterflies in her stomach, she was filled with anticipation and excitement. It had been a very long time since she had dressed up so elegantly and hoped Antonio would be pleased.
Antonio was sipping on a martini at the bar while talking to the bartender. He noticed that the bartender seemed a bit distracted, he was looking behind Antonio at something. Antonio turned to see what he was looking at and to his astonishment, he was leering at Theresa. When he laid his eyes on her standing at the entrance of the cocktail lounge, he was sure his jaw dropped to the floor. He had always known Theresa was a gorgeous woman, but he had never seen her dressed up so fine, the clothes accented the beauty that was already there. This was an image he would forever carry with him for the rest of his life.
Chapter 8. Back in America
Giorgia sat curled up on her couch sipping a cup of hot tea with lemon and honey. She stared thoughtfully out her large front window, watching the fall leaves come trickling down in all their brilliant colours from the large trees that lined her street. She was thinking back to the wonderful time that Frederica and she had spent enjoying each other's company and the fun times they had when Peggy and Kevin visited. They all helped move Theresa into the estate, along with Frederica, as she never stayed in her house again after the assault from Bruno. But the divorce proceedings were well in motion. While Peggy and Kevin were visiting, the four of them took a trip to visit the nun 'Anna Lechia.' She revealed the name of Giorgia's biological grandmother. Further searches resulted in Giorgia getting to meet her biological grandmother “Mila Ritio', she was living in Naples. On that trip Giorgia showed up at Mila's villa to find that a family reunion was ready and waiting for her as the special guest of honor. She along with Frederica, Peggy and Kevin, met forty-two of her family that day. She was delighted that she had been united with her mother's biological family. She no longer felt alone in the world now that she had found both her mother's family and her 'golden girl' in her ancestral home of Italy.
Giorgia had been back home for just over two months. The anxiety of waiting for Frederica to join her was excruciating. It seemed like nothing was going right, maybe she would never come. Frederica had never traveled before in her life and was having problems with her documentation. Bruno was arrested twice for not obeying the restraining order to leave Frederica alone. Giorgia constantly worried that Bruno would prefer to kill her rather than let her go to America. As well Frederica’s children were understandably skeptical about their mother immigrating to such a far away place. It was so terribly lonely without having Frederica around. She was literally the light of Giorgia's life, she would brighten any room with her strong and powerful presence. Giorgia kept herself busy running the restaurants by reworking the menus. Her hard work was being rewarded as the new/old family recipes were catching on like wildfire. People were really enjoying these authentic Italian dishes. But it was just not the same if she could not share her new success with Frederica. She just couldn't wait until Frederica would finally be here to share her life.
They did communicate with each other using Skype. They enjoyed giving each other tours around their homes. Frederica would show Giorgia the redecorating that was getting done in and outside the estate. The new gardener they had hired was doing magical work with the gardens, he is a middle-aged man named Toni Meggatio from the next village. Frederica said that Toni had a magical green thumb that turned the once overgrown mess into a lush exotic garden. It looked incredible from what Giorgia could see on Skype. She knew that this would certainly please her uncle Antonio to see his beloved Theresa living in his house and the gardens back to their former glory. Inside the house there was some upgrades being done, such as the kitchen and bathrooms, fresh paint throughout the house, and some additional furnishings. Giorgia often worried that Frederica was becoming much too complacent, almost enjoying living in this beautiful estate.
Peggy and Kevin had recently found out that they are going to become grandparents, their son Austin and his wife Megan were expecting their first child in six months. Peggy is delighted on the one hand that she is going to be a grandmother, but on the other hand she felt far too young to be a grandmother. She was quick to remind Giorgia that she and Frederica are going to become great aunts. Peggy had visited that day to help cheer Giorgia up. Peggy hated to see Giorgia looking so down, but she knew she would brighten up as soon as Frederica walked back into her life. Giorgia got up and walked into her kitchen to pour herself another cup of tea. It seemed like an eternity since she had last held Frederica tight in her loving embrace. She kept worrying that something might happen that would prevent Frederica from coming to America. Giorgia tried to stop herself from having all these negative thoughts, but on days like today she found it hard not to think that something would go wrong. She was feeling like she was not meant to spend her life with the person she loved—instead she was meant to spend it alone and heartbroken. She was giving her head a shake and trying to convince herself to stop thinking in a negative way.
Peggy was being a great friend and promised to spend the evening with her to cheer her up. “Let’s have some beer, like we always do, and lots of it. I’ve texted Kevin to come join us as well. I asked him to bring some pizza. Sound okay?”
“Yes, that would be great” replied Giorgia. “I am long overdue to have a little fun.”—When all of a sudden, the front doorbell was ringing.
“Oh, that must be Kevin. Giorgia, do you mind getting the door? I just need to freshen up a little bit in the powder room.”
Giorgia put down her tea mug and hurried down the front hall to open the door. She knew Kevin would be hungry and would not want his pizza to get cold.
But when she opened the large front door, Kevin was standing 10 feet away from the front door. Strangely there was no pizza in his arms.
“Hi Kevin, what are you doing out there? Where’s the pizza? I’m famished!”
Suddenly Giorgia noticed an elongated shadow sticking out from behind the large old oak tree. She knew someone was there when she heard a crunch of rustling leaves.
She looked back over to Kevin, but he just stood there grinning like the cat that ate a canary. Giorgia then looked back to find Peggy standing behind her, grinning as well.
“Ciao Bella” said a soft voice from behind the tree trunk.
When she looked over again, there was her beautiful Frederica stepping out from behind the tree.
“No, it can’t be you, I must be dreaming!” exclaimed Giorgia. This was the best surprise ever in her life! There standing before her was her lovely Italian beauty, a
nd she couldn't believe her eyes. Just when she was thinking she would never come; here she was standing in the flesh. She rushed out the door and hugged Frederica full of love and excitement. She couldn't believe that her soulmate was finally here. They hugged and cried many tears of joy. The kissed passionately and hugged some more.
“I’ve missed you so much Frederica! I love you more than ever.”
“Yes, this is so very special for me too, I promise to never be away from you again,” replied Frederica as she wiped away tears.
Peggy and Kevin also couldn’t keep a dry eye as they watched this beautiful reunion. Sensing it was time to leave, Peggy and Kevin started walking towards their car as they waved goodbye. The two women waved back as they walked arm and arm into the large Victorian style home. This would be the first night of many more to come. This was indeed the beginning of many new memories together. Giorgia later thanked Peggy for helping Frederica arrange the wonderful surprise. It truly was a surprise she would never forget!
The relationship was one of love and passion, always cherishing one another. When they announced their wedding engagement, they invited all their newfound family from Italy. The wedding day was a spectacular event and was a day to never forget. They ran the restaurants together, with Frederica training the chefs on how to prepare dishes the proper Italian way. Giorgia handled the financial end of the business and they made a great work and family team. Over the years they visited their family in Italy and their family members often came to America. Theresa would come for long visits, staying months at a time, which they all loved. Eventually the estate in Italy was sold and Theresa came to live permanently with Giorgia and Frederica.
Giorgia would often look back on her life and fondly remember that special day when love came knocking on her door. One day, Giorgia was taking a sip of tea while in deep thought when Frederica came walking into the room.
“You look like you are miles away, as if you are daydreaming” said Frederica.
“I was thinking about the day when my dreams became a reality.” She smiled up at Frederica and stated – “It was the day I opened the front door and found my lovely 'golden girl' standing before me!”
~The End~
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Healed by Her
An Interracial Lesbian Romance
By: Laurie Ames
Allison, a young white nurse witnesses a tragic hit and run car accident that leaves Juanita, a beautiful black female lying unconscious in the street. The nurse rushes over to provide aid and stay until help arrives. Initially the nurse feels much more than sympathy for the victim, she sees an unusually attractive young lady. She decides to take extra special care of her patient, until the ambulance arrives.
The nurse cannot get this beautiful woman out of her head and is later delighted to find the victim recuperating at her hospital. As the healing process continues, they begin to bond and develop a very special loving and sensual relationship.
What they don’t realize is the hit and run was no accident. As events unravel, their blossoming lesbian relationship will take on a strange turn of events…
Chapter 1: The Accident
The cool autumn wind blew through Allison’s shiny blonde hair as she walked down the street, searching for her car. She had to park on the street that day due to the hospital helicopter needing the employee parking lot for an emergency. Hartsville General Hospital did not have a dedicated heliport and the employee parking lot often filled up quickly on the rare occasion that a helicopter needed to transport patients.
It had been unusually busy for a Monday, and now, just after midnight, Allison felt tired and was glad to be heading home for the night. She pulled her thick black hat tightly around her head and stuck her hands into the pockets of her leather coat. The night wind had a chill in the air this evening, and Allison found herself regretting that she hadn’t worn a scarf that day.
The street was quiet, which wasn’t uncommon for a Monday night, even though the hospital she worked at was in the downtown area of her city. The lamp posts lit up the streets in a dull yellowish light and there were traffic cameras on nearly every corner; so, even though it was very late at night, she didn’t feel afraid or unsafe during her four-and-a-half-block walk to find her car.
Her dark blue sedan was parked directly under a streetlamp post and was almost the only car still left on the street. All other vehicles were gone, save for a white box truck that was parked half a block away, on the opposite side of the street.
When she was less than a block away from her car, she spotted a figure coming out of a large building near the corner opposite from her car. The lamp post on that corner was burned out, making it hard, at first, for her to tell whether the figure was a man or a woman; but as Allison watched the figure approach the corner of the street, she could tell by the shape of their silhouette that the person was most certainly a female.
The street was so quiet that Allison could actually hear the “click clack” of the woman’s heels as they hit the sidewalk, and even in the dark from a block away, she noticed the sway of the woman’s slender hips as she walked along with a feminine switch. When she stepped out from the shadows, Allison couldn’t help taking a second glance. She was wearing a beautiful black dress that clutched her curvy figure in a way that was elegant but feminine. The top of the dress ran straight across her chest, then at her waist, it tightened to the curves. Her simple black heels shone like mirrors in the white moon light.
Allison was a lesbian—an open and active lesbian. She’d been attracted to other females since she was back in middle school. She had kept her lesbianism a secret for several years, that being since her parents were very religious Catholics who frowned on any type of homosexuality. She had “played the straight card” all the way up until she’d finally left home for nursing school. She had purposely chosen to attend a college that was three hours away from her family, and located in an entirely different state, so that she could reinvent herself and finally be the true person she was on the inside—a woman who desired other women.
Allison’s first experience with another woman had taken place when she was in her first year of college. She had been surfing the internet, one night, and had stumbled upon a dating site for gays and lesbians. The site also had an app that could be used on smart phones and Allison had downloaded it onto hers. She had created a profile, posted a few photos of herself and started chatting with some of the users on the site in a members-only chat room. That night, she had met a girl in the chat room who attended the same college and lived on campus in one of the dormitory buildings.
The two young women had chatted online for a while and then, had decided to exchange numbers. The girl’s name had been Sara Wallace. She was from a small town out West and had chosen to go away to college to get away from home. The two women found they had a lot in common and clicked together right away. They ended up dating each other openly, for almost a year. But Sara was a few years older than Allison and she had graduated and moved away to start a new job on the other side of the country.
The two women kept in touch as friends, but eventually Sara had met someone in her new city and Allison started hearing from her less often. Then one day, she had received an eVite to Sara’s wedding in her email box. She didn’t reply, nor did she attend the wedding, but she never forgot about her first intimate girlfriend.
After Sara, Allison had casually dated a few other women, but hadn’t felt a real connection with anyone since Sara. She had been hired by Hartsville General Hospital after graduating from her college nursing program in the top 10 of her class. She had been working there as an emergency room nurse for the past 3 years and although she loved her job dearly, the crazy schedule and brutal hours didn’t leave a lot of free time for a social life, and she was beginning to feel lonely.
As Allison approached the middle of the city block, she heard a car engine revving loudly. The woman who had been walking toward t
he corner under a burnt out street light was now crossing the street. She was carrying what appeared to be a briefcase on one arm and a large purse on the other.
Just as the woman was crossing the middle of the street, a dark-colored sedan came speeding out of nowhere, striking her with a horrific thud. She went hurtling onto the hood, then hard into the windshield. Her limp body rolled back down the hood and off the car, onto the cold, dark street below.
To Allison’s shock and surprise, the vehicle never stopped. It didn’t even slow down. In fact, it sped up and continued to race down the street, off into the darkness.
Allison let out a scream and looked around, frantically, to see if there was anyone on the street who had witnessed what she’d just seen. Almost instinctively, she took off running toward the still unmoving body of the woman lying on the street.
The impact of the speeding sedan had knocked the woman’s purse and briefcase out of her hands. Papers and other objects were strewn all over the road and nearby sidewalk. The woman’s body had landed a few feet from the curb and she was as motionless as a corpse.