Hidden Desires Read online

Page 14

  Her eyes dropped momentarily to run over the well-defined planes of her body before coming back up to her face. Marsha felt her stomach erupt with anticipation when the dancer shot her a cocky wink as she made eye contact again. Maybe the attraction isn’t all one-sided then, she thought wishfully. The song ended, and Marsha began to stand from her chair as the crowd cheered wildly. Before she could take a step forward, the singer had disappeared from the stage without so much as a backwards glance.

  Sinking back onto her stool, Marsha tried to quash the pang of disappointment. She was probably just an excellent performer and knew how to work the crowd. But why me? She was mostly here to please the guys but was actually teasing me!

  She knew she was just another face in the crowd, someone to woo for the duration of the song. How silly to think a woman almost half her age would care diddly squat about her. And how would she know I had gay inclinations? She tried her best to clear her mind, but it had been exhilarating. She decided to finish her wine quickly, feeling far less interested in whoever was going to perform next.

  Suddenly someone slid onto the squeaky stool next to her and shouted their drink order to the bartender. Still mostly lost in her thoughts, Marsha perked up when this person told the bartender to also make another of what she was drinking. Marsha turned, ready to say she appreciated the gesture but was getting ready to leave, and suddenly found herself face to face with the young woman from the stage. A sharp tingle shot up her spine and prickled her neck as she met the woman’s gaze.

  She was sure her shock was written all over her face, and she tried to school her facial expression into cool indifference. The performer looked her up and down, a slow smirk spreading across her face as she said, “Hi, I’m Brandy. You don’t mind if I sit here, do you?”



  Marsha shook her head a little too quickly, scooting her stool back to make room for Brandy to sit down. She turned to grab their drinks from the bartender, and she used the brief moment to compose herself. Taking a deep breath, she mentally shook herself as she set her drink down.

  “Thanks,” she said, before arching a brow at the look on her face. “What?”

  “I didn’t catch your name,” the very young woman replied with a slight smirk.

  A faint blush rose in Marsha’s cheeks. She thanked her good genes and the dim bar lighting for veiling her age. “Marsha,” she said, “My name is Marsha.” She reflexively held out her hand as though to initiate a handshake and felt like smacking herself as soon as she realized what she was doing. She couldn’t be less flirtatious if she tried.

  Brandy’s smile turned more genuine at the gesture, though, and she reached out and gently clasped Marsha’s hand. “I noticed you were really checking me out.” She raised Marsha’s hand to her chest and held it to her heart without breaking eye contact. Marsha felt her jaw drop in what was half surprise, half silent moan at the unexpected intimacy of the action. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Marsha,” she said, letting go of her hand and reaching for her drink.

  “Trust me, the pleasure is all mine,” Marsha mumbled inaudibly under her breath.

  “What was that?”

  “Nothing,” she replied hastily, taking a long sip of her drink in a weak attempt to conceal her flustered demeanour. Get it together Marsha, she mentally chastised herself. Here was this incredibly hot young woman, clearly trying to flirt with her, and she couldn’t seem to string together a coherent sentence. Draining the last of her drink, she set the glass on the bar before facing Brandy more fully. Letting a hint of flirtatiousness slip into her voice, she idly commented, “I liked your performance up there.”

  “Well, I aim to please,” She replied. “It helps having such a focused audience to play to.”

  Her last words were paired with a pointed look, and Marsha smirked. Clearly the vibes she had felt had not been a one-way deal.

  “I’m surprised I haven’t seen you here before,” Brandy said. “You are a lesbian, right? I’m pretty sure I would remember if we had crossed paths before now.”

  “I, uh, I don’t get out much,” Marsha replied with a lump in her throat. Meanwhile, her mind was racing; ‘I’ve never been with another woman, what the fuck am I doing!’

  “So why don’t you get out often?” Brandy asked.

  “Life has been a little hectic lately.”

  Brandy nodded, a look of understanding on her face. “Yeah, it’s tough out there.”

  Digging for some information about her, Marsha asked, “Do you entertain other places or just here?”

  “She shook her head, a touch of ruefulness in her eyes. “Lately its mostly just been here. This new punk rock musician gig is working well, but its different because I don’t take my clothes off.

  “Oh!” It took less than a second for her words to sink in, and Marsha felt like her mind was going at the speed of light processing the new information. “Well I loved it. It’s way sexier to leave it up to the imagination, so to speak.” A small but teasing smile crept upon her face. “So, you’re also an exotic dancer, then?” She asked, not wanting to be nosy but also wanting some sort of confirmation that wasn’t jumping to any conclusions.

  Brandy’s demeanor shifted and became dramatically more cautious as she nodded. “Yeah, I am. Is that an issue?”

  Marsha immediately shook her head. “No, sorry, I just wanted to make sure I was understanding what you were saying!” Her words sounded somewhat sincere, and she breathed a sigh of relief as Brandy’s body language relaxed minutely. She wasn’t sure if it was a problem but right now spending time with her was just so scorching hot.

  “When I tell people I’m an exotic dancer they always react in one of two ways. Either they wrinkle their nose and ruffle their eyebrows in disgust or widen their eyes and smile like a Cheshire cat. But your reaction was refreshing.”

  A warm feeling enveloped Marsha. Sure, there was a huge age difference but there was a real chemistry between them. Brandy being an exotic dancer didn’t really change the magnetic pull she felt towards her. Marsha sought a way to lighten the mood and she wasn’t going to make a huge deal out of her occupation.

  “Did you honestly enjoy the show?” Asked Brandy as she looked inquisitively at her.

  Marsha scoffed. “Oh please. Everybody loved it, and you have the voice of an angel. You could pack the house every night of the week if you wanted to.”

  Brandy gave her another cocky grin, settling back onto her seat as the last of the tension bled from her body. “Good to know you think I’m acceptable.”

  Marsha rolled her eyes in mock annoyance, but secretly grinned to see her back at ease. Her attention was suddenly drawn to the dance floor by the lights dimming into near darkness. Karaoke was clearly over, and as the beat of the music picked up, Brandy looked over at Marsha. “How about we see if you’re able to shake that booty on the dance floor with me.”

  Her eyes danced with amusement, and there was a clear undercurrent of desire but then reality set in. “No, I’d rather not,” replied Marsha.

  “Lots of gays and lesbians dance here, don’t worry!” said Brandy shouting over the music. She then grabbed her hand and tugged her towards the dance floor, weaving through the mass of bodies until she found a suitable spot. Soon Marsha let the music wash over her, the thumping bass settling deep into her bones. Her body moved in time with the beat, and she felt Brandy’s eyes watching her every move.

  Tossing a saucy look in Brandy’s direction, Marsha let her eyes drift closed and lost herself in the music. Young strong hands settled on her waist and she smiled as Brandy slid in behind. Their movements were effortless, and Marsha felt herself melt when Brandy grinded into her. Her body was firm against her back, and when a puff of breath ghosted across her neck, Marsha couldn’t help but grind back. Brandy’s fingers tightened against her hips reflexively, and Marsha moaned low in her throat.

  The current song melded into a new one with a slightly slower, more sensual
beat. One of Marsha’s hands reached up and tangled in Brandy’s hair, pulling her in closer. She tilted her neck, the invitation clear, and she gasped as teeth gently grazed her pulse point. As she arched into her mouth, Marsha became aware of just how desperately turned on she was.

  Spinning in her arms until they were face to face, Marsha drew in a ragged breath. Brandy looked ready to take her right then and there on the dance floor, and Marsha honestly wasn’t sure she would mind. Leaning in and nipping at her earlobe, Brandy breathed, “Let’s get out of here.” Marsha nodded; the urgency clear in their actions as they pushed through the crowd towards the door. On the way out, Marsha saw Nicki hanging around the guy she had been eyeing up earlier. Nicki watched them with a confused look as they tugged past, then sarcastically cheered and mimed, shooing them out of the bar. Marsha knew she would later have some explaining to do, but right now nothing mattered more than hooking up with Brandy.

  The cool night air hit her face the second they cleared the main door, but it served only to make Marsha aware of how on edge her whole body was feeling. Brandy turned to look at her and said, “My place is just a few blocks away, if you’re okay walking?”

  Marsha nodded, and they quickly made their way past the line of people now waiting to get into the club. They were nearing the end of the block when Brandy suddenly yanked her to the inside of an alley. Before she could even open her mouth to ask why they stopped here, Brandy was pressing her lips against Marsha. Marsha stumbled backwards until she was leaning against the solid brick of the building wall and leaned up on her toes to push back into the kiss.

  Brandy nipped at Marsha’s bottom lip and she groaned into her mouth, pushing her firmly against the wall. Marsha felt as though she was drowning, and Brandy’s mouth was her only source of air. At some point as they kissed, her thigh slipped between Marsha’s legs, and the sudden knowledge that stimulation was close drew a whine from Marsha’s throat.

  “This is highly inappropriate, you know.” She said with a wry grin.

  “Why?” Brandy rumbled in her ear.

  “Because you’re so young and this is my first real experience.”

  “Ah ha, I thought so. Well, that just makes this all the more exciting.”

  Brandy pulled back to check in with her and was surprised to see her inviting eyes. Surprise was quickly replaced with lust, and she lifted her thigh to press against her crotch while using her hands to encourage her to grind down. She leaned in and nuzzled her neck, whispering, “Why don’t you … just let go.”

  Her words were all it took for Marsha’s crotch to begin grinding frantically against her. Her tits were brushing freely against her lace bra and her nipples were starting to sting. She latched her mouth onto Brandy’s collarbone as one of her hands slipped under her shirt to stroke the smooth curves of her creamy white stomach. Her fingers began to trail down lower and lower, her thumb stroke finding its way to Marsha's center. The way her fingers felt as they glanced over her core through her jeans had her biting the inside of her mouth. She shifted ever so slightly, allowing for more to be touched. The yearning in Marsha’s core was intensifying by the minute and she could already feel her heat building until all her thoughts were focused on having an orgasm. Never had a man made her feel this way, and the thought of an unknown woman doing this was both incomprehensible and electrifying. She nearly burst into tears when Brandy suddenly pulled back as she was about to tip over the edge.

  Before Marsha had a chance to say anything, long slender fingers were undoing her jeans. Her hand dipped into Marsha’s panties and she gasped as Brandy’s finger dipped between her folds and reached for her hard nub.

  “Oh god,” she sighed, “Please, not here, what if someone sees us?”

  Before she could say any more, Brandy took her thumb and forefinger and started rubbing with a frenzy over the sensitive tip of Marsha’s clit. "Mmmm... fuck," she moaned out loudly. Too loudly.

  Brandy stopped momentarily. “Shh,” she whispered. “I thought you didn’t want to attract anyone’s attention?”

  Marsha panted quietly and dragged her bottom lip between her teeth to not make a sound, and Brandy leaned back just enough to see her face. “But then again, maybe you do want people to notice.” Brandy continued with a calm voice, “I bet you would get off on somebody seeing you like this, wouldn’t you?”

  “Yes, the whole world can watch right now, I don’t care,” whispered Marsha.

  A whole minute went by and Marsha couldn't take the finger fucking any longer. She reached for Brandy, placing both hands on either side of her face and pulled her in close. She kissed her for the longest time, with Brandy’s one hand still stroking between Marsha's thighs. Her body was on fire with sensations.

  Images flashed through Marsha’s mind of how they must look, her backed against a brick wall with silk panties down around her knees, wantonly bucking her hips as her pussy pumped in the moonlight. She couldn’t stifle the moan that burst from her lips at the thought, and she smirked. It was too late, Marsha was lust-drunk and losing her grip on reality in the face of unimaginable pleasure. She just wanted to feel Brandy’s hands and fingers deeper inside. She couldn’t resist, she was all hers.

  “You’re so fucking sexy, as soon as I saw you from the stage, I knew I had to talk to you, had to see if you were feeling what I was feeling.” Brandy punctuated her words with a nip along the column of her throat. “I couldn’t stop thinking about what it would feel like to take you, and god- it’s even better than I imagined.” Brandy's hands moved to her lower back, then her ass. “You have a fabulous ass Marsha. Just Fabulous.” When she squeezed it painfully hard, Marsha reacted, arching her back and moaning deeply. Her head tipped back up and they were a tangle of lips and tongues again. Brandy went back to rubbing her clit and pussy harder than ever. Marsha's heart began racing and her hips moved to increase the pressure.

  Marsha felt her orgasm build and dug her nails into Brandy’s arms, almost begging without words to make her come. Sensing her desperation, Brandy began pumping her fist and fingers ever faster. Her hot breath was whispering into Marsha’s ear. “We both know what you want. You've been dreaming of this moment for a very long time…come for me!” She commanded, and the words were all Marsha needed to tip over the edge. Her senses were exploding, and she saw stars bouncing in her head. She drew a deep breath as she finally succumbed to the aching release that she so badly needed. Her body began trembling and shaking with intense waves of pleasure. Within less than a minute, her building orgasm came crashing down as she lay back against the wall and whimpered, swallowing the cry in her throat.

  Brandy eased her through the aftershocks of her orgasm with gentle massages, while using her bodyweight to help keep her upright against the wall. It was all Marsha could do to stay standing as she caught her breath. After a few moments she straightened, looking up at Brandy before pulling her in for a searing kiss. Marsha’s hands couldn’t touch enough of her as they ran over her shoulders and torso, grasping and pulling to get her as close as possible. “Take me to your place,” Marsha gasped, “Please. Now.”

  Lust and need were written all over Brandy’s face as she nodded and stepped back, letting her catch her breath for another second before leading Marsha out of the alley to the street. The short walk to her apartment was silent, but their hands remained tightly clasped together. Marsha couldn’t stop fantasizing about having more intimacy in the privacy of Brandy’s apartment. A shiver raced through her body at the mental images when suddenly Brandy turned to look at her sideways. “You okay?” Her tone was laced with concern.

  “Well, having sex with you in public was sinfully wrong,” she grinned. “And so very hot!”

  Brandy quickly smiled and nodded. “Glad I could help.”

  “How much farther to your place?” said Marsha with a giggle.

  “Two more buildings down,” she replied, and Marsha felt her heart rate spike as they approached their destination. She had never felt a level of arou
sal like this before. There was just something about Brandy that she couldn’t resist, and she honestly didn’t even want to try.



  Brandy led them up the stairs, opened the door, and locked it behind them as soon as they were inside. In the back of her brain Marsha took note of the tidy space she found herself in, especially the assortment of guitars and a keyboard propped against a wall. Her observations ceased, however, as she turned to face Brandy head on.

  “Give me a second?” Brandy asked, and Marsha nodded. She then disappeared through a door off the main room. Marsha began breathing deeply, just trying to contain her desire to follow and take her then and there. She didn’t know why Brandy left and couldn’t help imagining the different scenarios happening next. Every scenario ended with her coming harder than she had in her life, and she bit her lip in anticipation as she heard footsteps coming back down the hall. After what felt like a lifetime but was probably only a few minutes, she returned to the room. Marsha licked her lips as she eyeballed Brandy up and down, noting she wore a see-through translucent black robe that nicely covered her sexy ass. Her long black hair was cascading down over the neckline. To add to the lust appeal of this over-the-top sexy outfit, she wore only a black velvet choker with matching fur bracelets and anklets. The playful sparkle in her eyes, the silky-smooth lips and those creamy firm tits that showed through her transparent robe all served to signal this would be a night to remember. She pirouetted on the soles of her ‘fuck me’ black stilettos while her hands closed the robe over her body.