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Big on Education Page 15

  Finally spent, Juanita let go of her thighs, and her legs fell to the bed on either side of Allison. Allison sat up to watch Juanita lay exhausted on the ruffled sheets, her chest heaving. She was proud of her efforts as she smiled up at Juanita, admiring her passionate “orgasmic face.”

  Juanita was only more than happy to return the intimate favor to Allison. She kissed her ear lobe first, softly, with just the right hint of passion, then worked her way down her neck to her collar bone before coming right back to the breasts. She began biting softly around her warm and sensuous tits. She noticed that Allison had incredibly sensitive nipples and slowly started sucking on each one. She could tell Allison really liked this, so she spent a long time on her chest, just licking, teasing and sucking. Meanwhile her hand slid down to Allison’s pussy and gently began massaging it. She writhed in pleasure and her hips began gyrating up and down in unison with her hand. Juanita drew herself down along Allison’s belly until she reached the throbbing pussy that awaited her. Juanita stopped to pause and look at the beautiful tuft of blond hair right above her pussy.

  “I can’t believe that is going to be mine…” cooed Juanita.

  Allison couldn’t handle the slight pause and quickly spoke out, “Lick it honey, I’m really horny right now.” Allison put her hand on the back of Juanita’s head and forced her face right between her vaginal area.

  Juanita needed no encouragement and extended her tongue and began kissing and lightly sucking her vagina. Allison moaned softly as they were making love.

  By now, Allison’s creamy white pussy was completely wet. Juanita was feeling naughty and started teasing her just enough to bring her to the brink, then stopping again in a slow torturous fashion. Her cunt was feeling every sensation that a woman could possibly feel. She started screaming “Juanita, don’t stop, my God that feels so good, suck it honey.” Over and over Juanita teased her by not letting her come until Allison could no longer turn back. Allison finally succumbed and let herself go. She was having one orgasm after another as she brought her thrusting pelvis to an unstoppable passionate climax.

  Suddenly, she was spent, her whole body collapsed on the bed as she tried to catch her breath. Juanita lay next to her and they held each other closely, listening to the satisfied sounds of the beating of their hearts. It was sizzling sex. They exchanged soft kisses as they basked in the glow of their sexual encounter.

  “Only another woman knows how to make love like this,” said Allison.

  “It’s true, this is wonderful, I never felt so loved like this before, and you’re so beautiful,” responded Juanita.

  They both realized this would be a night to remember forever. Eventually they drifted into a deep satisfied sleep, wrapped in each other’s arms.

  Chapter 7: The Morning After

  The next morning, Allison awoke to the smell of a hot breakfast cooking in the kitchen. Juanita entered the bedroom in a scarlet silk robe and served Allison breakfast in bed with eggs, toast and turkey bacon. Allison’s face lit up in delighted surprise and she thanked Juanita for her thoughtfulness.

  “I wanted to ask you, did Officer Holt ever update you on whether or not they were able to find out the license plate number, for that speeding car?” Allison asked after the two of them had enjoyed a pleasant breakfast together.

  Juanita looked just a tad bit uneasy when Allison brought up the subject.

  “Um, yes, actually. A specialist they used to analyse the traffic photo was finally able to figure it out. They ran a trace on the plate number and the car came back registered to a man named Gussman or Guston or something like that. It wasn’t a name I recognized,” Juanita replied.

  “You know, there’s a photo in your living room, one from the grand opening of your store, that has a vehicle in the background that greatly resembles the car that hit you,” Allison asserted, sensing concern in Juanita’s eyes.

  “Really?” Juanita replied. “I guess because it was so dark, I really didn’t get a good look at it. I don’t know what I would have done if you had not been there.” Juanita leaned in and kissed Allison on the cheek.

  “I’m really glad that I was there, too,” Allison said sweetly, placing her hand on Juanita’s face, lovingly. “But I really want to find out who did this to you, Juanita. I believe they were purposely trying to hurt you—maybe even kill you, and I want them brought to justice.” Allison’s tone was adamant.

  Juanita looked into Allison’s eyes and smiled, reassuringly.

  “Alli, I’ve taken this very seriously. I even hired security to ensure that nothing like this ever happens again.”

  “I know, but, if there really is someone out to get you, they might try again—in some other way, and that’s what worries me,” Allison replied.


  Now that Juanita was almost fully recovered from her accident, she decided to return to work. Today was going to be her first day back at the store. Allison had the day off from work and decided this would be an excellent opportunity to accompany her. The store manager had told Allison that the employees were planning a small welcome back surprise party for Juanita, and Allison wanted to be there, but wanted to go home first, so she could shower and change.

  Juanita dropped her off at her apartment and gave her a long, passionate good-bye kiss. “Call me when you’re about to head down to the store and I will meet you there,” Alli reminded Juanita, before she exited her SUV. She wanted to walk in with Juanita so she could see the expression on Juanita’s face when the employees surprise her.

  “You got it, babe,” Juanita said playfully. “And make sure you wear your necklace, my Angel.”

  Juanita winked at Alli before she got out of the SUV and headed to her apartment building. Alli turned back and waved at Juanita one last time before unlocking the front door and heading inside.


  Allison showered and put on an asymmetrical, form-fitting long-sleeve blouse and a pair of flashy leggings. Thinking of Juanita made her want to dress feminine and sexy, she felt a need to keep up with her trendy fashion sense. She slid on a pair of sleek, 3-inch heel ankle boots to complete her outfit, then grabbed her purse and headed to the car.

  She was driving carefully down a snow-covered side street, heading toward the main road that would take her downtown and to the store. Allison had two moods, just two. Today her dial was set to "good." That meant nothing could go wrong, everyone is lovely and only the most optimistic forecasts would do. Her head swayed back and forth, as smooth jazz played inside the car.

  Suddenly she saw a large box truck or possibly a big van, heading toward her at a very high rate of speed—especially for the snowy roads of the past few days. She pumped her brakes as she wondered if the truck would slow down. She considered an avoidance manoeuvre as the truck kept coming straight at her, but then it was too late. She barely had time to scream before hearing the loud horrific crunch of impact. Her body flung forward, her face slamming hard into the air bag. The car rolled, and lights swirled around her as the noise of metal grinding against concrete became deafening. The car tumbled onto its side before coming to an absolute stop.

  Allison just sat there completely immobile. Then there was a deadening silence that terrified Allison almost more than the crash. The seatbelt tugged on her skin and the air bag was deflating. She was fleetingly aware of a bloody taste in her mouth, but she couldn't figure out what it was. At times her eyelids fluttered, and she thought she must be at home in bed because it was so dark. Allison felt a strong sharp penetrating pain. All she could do was hope for the best as she said one last prayer... just before everything went black.


  Juanita dialed Allison’s cell phone number as she walked down her driveway toward her SUV. She was surprised when she didn’t get an answer. The call rang and rang until eventually, the voice mail came on the line.

  “Hmm, that’s strange,” Juanita said aloud, as she pulled out onto the street.

  Maybe she’s in the shower or something
. I’m sure she’ll call right back when she sees my message, Juanita thought to herself. She sent a quick text to Allison and then continued on her way to the store. She was feeling excited because it would be the first time setting foot in her own store since the accident.

  Hey Alli, OMW to the store now. Tried to call you, got your VM. Meet me down there when you can. :smiley face:


  The windows were smashed, and the car was lying on its side, stuck in a ditch on the side of the back road. The piercing winter wind was blowing snowflakes into the car and blanketing Allison’s face.

  Suddenly Allison opened her eyes and immediately felt the frigid air blowing onto her face. She sucked in a deep breath of cool fresh air, but it felt like her lungs were caving in. She saw spots in the corners of her vision. Her head felt full of static. At first, she didn’t realize what had happened. She was disorientated from drifting in and out of consciousness. She felt a dull, aching pain in her head and a radiating pain in her midsection.

  As she looked around, she recalled the large vehicle that had struck her and forced her off the road. She tried to move, but the intense pain she was feeling only worsened with even the slightest movement. Her vision was slightly blurred, and she suspected that she may have suffered a slight concussion. Her seatbelt was still strapped around her and fastened in place. She struggled to free herself only to be rewarded with more pain. She pulled hard on it—groaning from the pain that shot up her arm—in order to see if it would give way, and she knew immediately that it was still very much intact.

  It was eerily quiet, and it was obvious she was all alone. The faint sound of traffic traveling on the nearby roads seemed very far away from where she was.

  Where is my cell phone? She wondered, silently, trying to remember where it had been just before the crash. If she could just get to it, she could call for help and contact Juanita to let her know what had happened. Craning her neck to expand her area of vision, her eyes searched frantically around the car, until she finally saw it lying face down on the floor of the car, near the passenger side door.

  “Shit!” Allison uttered. She sighed in frustration, realizing that she was going to have to endure great pain in order to get to it. She wondered why she couldn’t see the large vehicle that had struck her.

  As she reached down to unbuckle her seatbelt, she thought she heard a noise just outside of her car. She groaned loudly from the throbbing agony she was pushing through, as she finally freed the belt from its lock. She leaned her head back against the seat and drew in a deep breath, pausing for a moment to brace herself for the excruciating agony she knew she was about to experience, in order to try and reach her cell phone.

  Just as she was about to reach for the passenger seat, her driver side door swung open. Allison turned her head to see who had opened the door and her mouth dropped open as her eyes simultaneously widened in shock. It was Walt Fanning.

  Allison wasn’t sure if she should feel relieved or scared. It had certainly seemed like whoever struck her car had done so on purpose.

  “Hey, are you okay?” he asked, looking at her inquisitively. “I was driving by and saw your car was overturned in the ditch.”

  Allison exhaled in relief. She hadn’t even realized that she’d been holding her breath.

  “My car was hit by a big truck or van of some sort,” Allison explained. “I was trying to get to my phone so I could call for help, but I’m hurt pretty bad. It hurts to move.” She winced in pain as she extended her right arm to show him how difficult it was for her to move.

  “Whoa, that looks pretty bad,” he noted. “Is there anyone else in there with you? Are they hurt?”

  “No, it’s just me,” she replied.

  “Well, let’s get you out of here,” he said. “My cell phone’s in my car. I’ll get you out of here and we can go call for help.”

  “My cell phone is right there,” she pointed to where her phone was lying face down on the passenger side floor.

  “Are you sure it’s not damaged?” he asked.

  The thought hadn’t even crossed her mind. What if it was damaged? She couldn’t see the screen. For all she knew, it could be cracked or shattered beyond usage or repair.

  “I—I’m not sure,” was all she could say.

  Allison knew she should try get out of the wrecked vehicle and receive medical attention as soon as possible. Being a nurse, she suspected that she had likely suffered at least a mild concussion and possibly a few fractures, breaks or internal injuries.

  “You’re bleeding there on the side of your head,” Walt informed her.

  “Shit, I didn’t even realize it,” she told him.

  “Come on, let’s get you out of there,” Walt replied. “I know it’ll probably be a bit painful for you, so we’ll go on the count of three, okay?”

  He reached inside the car and wrapped his arms around Allison’s upper body.

  “You ready?” he asked. Allison nodded.

  Chapter 8: A Surprising Turn of Events

  “Ok, one…two…three!” On three, he pulled her up out of the car with all his might and the two of them fell backwards onto the cold, snowy ground. Allison yelled out in agony as she landed on top of him in the snow.

  “I’m so sorry, she said, wincing from discomfort as she rolled her body over onto the cold ground beside him.

  “No worries,” Walt replied, standing himself up.

  As he reached down to help Allison up, she looked around and glanced up toward the road, trying to get a better view of what had transpired, and an idea of where she was. To her surprise, she couldn’t see the road at all. She was in a low ditch, and her view of the road was blocked by the snow-covered ravine. She also noticed that her car was the only vehicle in the ditch. The large truck or van that had hit it was nowhere in sight.

  “Thank you,” she told him, appreciatively, wincing again as he finally got her to her feet. She couldn’t stand up alone and held onto Walt for support. He didn’t seem to mind. “So, where’s your car?”

  Suddenly, Allison realized there was no way that Walt could have seen her car overturned in a ditch from all the way up on the road. The ditch was so deep that no one passing by could have possibly noticed a vehicle lying on its side, unless of course, they had either personally witnessed the accident or had been directly involved in it…

  Allison’s pulse immediately sped up as the realization came over her. What should I do? Should I continue to play along? I’m in no condition to run away from him. Think, dammit! Her silent thoughts raced through her mind as she contemplated her next move. She was still leaning on Walt, and he was turning toward the direction of the road.

  “I—I really think I should get my phone, first. Maybe it isn’t damaged, and we could use it to call for help. Besides, I—I don’t think I could make it all the way up that snowy hill. I—I’d feel bad about you having to basically drag me up there all by yourself.” She hoped that her stammering hadn’t been enough to tip Walt off about her sudden realization. She was trying to buy herself some time to decide on her next move.

  She tried to let go of Walt and lunge her body back toward her overturned car, but just at that moment, a sly smile spread across his face. She fell to the ground and started dragging herself through the snow, gritting her teeth and grunting through the pain and agony of each movement. She was pretty sure that at least one of her bones were fractured in her leg, and possibly in one of her arms.

  Walt stood where he was for a moment, watching her curiously, with his head cocked to one side, grinning sinisterly. She continued to drag herself toward her car, using all of the strength that she could muster up, refusing to look back at Walt and hoping against hope that she would somehow be able to get to her cell phone before he realized she was on to him—unless he already had.

  Suddenly, Allison felt an arm violently jerk her backwards and start dragging her in the opposite direction.

  “Walt, please! What are you…?” She saw Walt’s arm c
ome up behind her head.

  And then everything went black again.

  Walt dragged Allison’s limp bruised body up the ravine, wheezing and panting as he made his way up the hill. When he finally reached the damaged van that had hit Allison’s car, he opened the back and lifted her inside. She was still unconscious for the moment, so he took the opportunity to tie her hands and feet with a rope. He then gagged her mouth to make sure she kept quiet. He carefully closed the back doors of the van, then looked cautiously around to his left and right before heading around to the front.

  “Elaine’s going to be so proud of me,” he mused, as he climbed up into the driver’s seat of the van and started the engine.